They say content is still king in the online world. And to think we know everything about content writing and marketing when we don’t. Here is a piece that conscientiously discusses vital areas that a piece of content could integrate to avoid seeming aloof and irrelevant. No one wants to bore their audience.
For your brand to improve and hit high notches, think of the Rule of Thirds, where ⅓ of your content promotes the business, ⅓ shares personal stories, and the other ⅓ gives informative insights from experts or influencers. It is how your content marketing strategies will feed your brand what it needs.
A method that assists you to know and understand your audience’s opinions, feelings, and perceptions about you. You become aware of all their touchpoints. With this information, you can generate content that they most resonate with to boost engagement, increase traffic and generate leads & sales. So when creating content, think of these :
- Information
It means you tell the audience something that will be useful to it. It may not be now, but it might use it in the future. How it processes your brand depends on the kind of information you give. Therefore, be careful not to filter this information or to give out too much. Either might backfire on you in times of an online crisis if you have not strategically thought about the kind of information you want to publish.
Learn more into sharing information that educates the audience about the brand, the company, the staff, and the customer opinions/perceptions. How do you cover all these? Through product descriptions, testimonials, facts about the product/service/company. How do you get their attention? By sharing what will interest them in wanting to know more about you. It will entice them to follow you, visit your website or profile and engage with your content.
Have more depth in storytelling. Most brands are like; buy one get one free, or offers run till 30th of this month. Tell anecdotes to add more value to your brand or content and appeal to your visitors’ rationality. This way, you share some information. In return, you gain brand awareness, leads, and sales.
Gather information from them through your content, get into their heads and know what they think of you or know about you. How do you do this? By having content that is rhetoric. You will use this data to structure your content to answer the unasked yet lingering questions or concerns about your organization/ products or employees.
Other than your opinion, also include user-generated content, which are opinions of the existing customers about your brand. Be open to avoid giving the audience a hard time when digging for more information about you. Lay it out there for them to fend off boredom.
A lot of companies are competing for your keywords, be straightforward. You get to stand out, and the message is delivered. Easy to be found and traced.
- Advertising
Generate content that persuades the audience to make a purchase. Tailor your message clearly with little humour or a relaxed demeanour. Have a concise statement, include keywords and catchy phrases with simple language and a clear call to action.
Promote the information and the products/services but soft-sell to accompany the audience through the buyer’s journey. You rather have the ad frequently appear than to constantly hard-sell. Let them become familiar with the brand’s tone and the ads to gain their trust and increase the conversion rates.
When you give out coupons and discounts, advertise them on your socials, SMS, emails, or website for the customers to get all the details on where and how they will experience these fantastic deals. Excitingly share more information about the brand, product, or services and strategically embeds Place, Promotion, and Price principles of marketing. Let them know where they need to go to buy your product to get these “toppings” and how much it will cost them. So in your content, mention what product is on promotion, the price, and which supermarket can they find it.
- Entertainment
Relatable and interactive brands are killing it online. Have content that appeals to the emotions of the reader. Keep them entertained and humanize the brand as much as possible. Let the audience soften up to you. A fun brand with an engaging nature gives its audience the courage to approach you and share their own life experiences. Get more involved with the audience. Soon you will be that caring brand
that listens to them and builds trust.
Brand engagement will surprisingly give you more information about your customers. In terms of their opinions and perceptions, experiences, and referrals for your brand/product/service. It also separates true fans from random visitors.
“Customer loyalty is driven largely by customer experience 65% of consumers said a consistently positive experience through their entire interaction journey would make them a loyal customer for the brand.”- Forbes Insights Dec 2019.
Change is good. Change for the better is even 100% cool. Ensure to create content that resonates with the public. Fall in line with the trending issues, memes, gifs with your target audience in mind.
Once in a while, pop quizzes, puzzles, riddles, brainteasers; to cut through the monotony and communicate with your client about other topics. It doesn’t have to be about you all the time!